We are very glad you are interested in working with us for your project. It is always a pleasure to work with new clients and get the opportunity to learn about new industries, businesses, and the fantastic people behind them. We work with clients for one-off projects (a new logo or a stand-alone brochure design, for example), large multi-part projects (logo, identity and web development for example) and in longer-term contract work (art direction and editing of a full website for example). For us, it’s a mark of our success that we have been able to work with the same clients on various projects.
Our current clients are keeping us quite busy, and as a result we generally work two months out. If you are interested in working with us here is the general order of events:
- Send us an email (Doug at umbrella-works dot com) with a brief description of your business and products, a link to your website and social media pages, and most importantly describe your design project.
- We may arrange for a conference call and will use email and other web-based communication to get to know each other. We will talk about your business, your products and services and we will tell you about us. Through this discussion we will get enough information to write up a formal proposal and contract for you to review.
- Once a contact is signed, we will begin the project on the date agreed upon.
Again, thanks for your interest!
Doug and Anna